The art of listening Dear Hearts…

Dear hearts,

the past year I had the courage and strength to admit that it is time to stop running away from myself and choose healing over self-sabotage and fear. I promised myself and commited that I will take any necessary step forward to become a safe space for myself and inner child Sylvia, but also for my personal connections and my dear community here. I am grateful for you being here. My universe is expanding in the field of human connection and I am confident to contribute with this journal to aspire anyone reading these words to take steps forward to a healthier version of themselves. Recently my mind could not resist imagining of how the world could look and be, if children were raised in functional families instead of dysfunctional families, if parents did have healthy modeling and communication skills, if people had healthy ways of resolving conflict, if ancestral trauma had been resolved and healed and been prevented on being passed from generation to generation and stopped repeating history and unhealthy patterns and what harm could be prevented if we were aware what consequences and pain hurtful words cause. Today after intense months of learning, healing and of stretching my own mind, I do see my world in a brighter light full of hope, joy and positive change. And I do take behavior pattens and actions of other beings less personal than I did before. I have compassion for the caused hurt and potential trauma and I can understand and I can see better through defensiveness, anger, sadness, rejection and loss of other souls. I dream of a world that brings compassion, love, understanding and acceptance. If we want a change, how about we do start with ourselves? Your words have the power to hurt, to heal, open minds, open hearts, and change the world. Never forget the responsibility you have over the words you speak. Never forget the responsibility you have over your nervous system, over your own well being. I am sharing with you nine key ingredients that I do believe are a important component of our mental health and hope that you enjoyed these first few lines. Sylvia x